Can gemstones affect your mood? 10 gemstones explained:


The question of whether gemstones can affect your mood is not an easy one to answer, as the resolution cannot be found through hard science.

While there is no scientific evidence to support the use of gemstones for emotional or spiritual healing, some people find that simply wearing or holding a particular gemstone can have a calming or mood-enhancing effect. This could be due to the placebo effect or the psychological association of certain stones with specific properties or emotions.

It is often said that the energy or vibrations of gemstones can affect a person's emotional or spiritual state. This belief has its roots in ancient traditions and cultural practices, such as the use of gemstones in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. It is also believed that healing and balance can be achieved by placing gemstones on or around the body.

Whether or not gemstones can affect mood is ultimately a personal belief, and their effect can vary from person to person.

There are many theories about the healing properties of gemstones that have been passed down through the centuries.

For example, amethyst is said to have a calming effect on the mind and promote peace, while rose quartz is said to promote love and compassion. The idea of using gemstones for healing is based on the assumption that everything in the universe is made of energy and that different types of energy can affect our physical, emotional, and mental health. Gemstones are believed to have unique energy vibrations that can interact with the energy of the human body to bring about healing and balance.

Despite the lack of scientific evidence, many people continue to use gemstones for emotional and spiritual restoration. They may wear gemstone jewelry, carry gemstones in their pockets or purses, or use them in meditation or other spiritual practices. It is important to note that while gemstones may have symbolic or spiritual meaning for some people, they should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. If you are suffering from emotional or psychological problems, be sure to seek the help of a qualified physician.

With these premises in mind, let's answer your question "Can gemstones affect your mood?" by looking at the power of 10 popular gemstones and the properties attributed to them over the centuries.



In traditional lore, sapphire is considered the stone of wisdom and truth and is said to promote mental clarity, concentration, and inner peace. Being a blue gemstone, it is associated with the throat chakra, which stands for communication, self-expression, and honesty.

According to some crystal healers, sapphire has a calming effect on the mind and nervous system and can help relieve anxiety, stress, and depression. This gemstone can affect your mood by promoting feelings of serenity, harmony, and balance as well as support emotional healing and self-knowledge.

Check out our hand-picked selection of sapphire jewelry all made in 18k gold by the finest Italian artisans:




Emerald has long been viewed as the stone of the heart and is said to promote compassion, love, and emotional healing. Some people also associate emeralds with the heart chakra, which is associated with feelings of love, empathy, and connection.

While there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, some people may find that wearing or carrying emeralds helps them to feel more connected to their emotions, and more open to giving and receiving love. Ultimately, like with all gemstones, the effects of emeralds on mood and well-being may vary from person to person and are likely to be influenced by individual beliefs and experiences.

Check out our hand-picked selection of emerald jewelry all made in 18k gold by the finest Italian artisans:




Amethyst is said to be a stone of spiritual protection, and is believed to promote inner peace, clarity, and emotional stability. Some people also associate amethyst with the third eye and crown chakras, which are associated with intuition, spirituality, and connection to higher consciousness. It is thought to promote feelings of tranquility and support spiritual growth and self-awareness.

Check out our hand-picked selection of amethyst jewelry all made in 18k gold by the finest Italian artisans:




Aquamarine is another blue stone that is associated with the throat chakra, promoting communication, self-expression, and honesty. According to legend, aquamarine is a stone of inspiration and ingenuity that fosters fresh thinking and novel perspectives. It is thought to encourage creative pursuits and assist people in developing their inner creativity and intuition.

Protective qualities are connected to aquamarine, especially when it comes to travel and journeys. It is said to facilitate a smooth and safe journey and shield the wearer from harm or danger.

Check out our hand-picked selection of aquamarine jewelry all made in 18k gold by the finest Italian artisans:




Garnet can set the mood by sparking passion and energy while promoting courage, confidence, and vitality. Some people also associate garnet with the root chakra, which is related to feelings of safety, security, and groundedness.

According to some crystal healing practitioners, garnet is thought to have an energizing effect on the mind and body and can help reduce fatigue and feelings of sluggishness. It is believed to channel feelings of strength, resilience, and stability, and to support emotional healing and growth. Wearing or carrying garnet can supposedly help you feel more grounded and centered, allowing you to take action in pursuit of your goals.

Check out our hand-picked selection of garnet jewelry all made in 18k gold by the finest Italian artisans:




In what way can this gemstone affect your mood? Citrine is the stone of abundance and manifestation and is believed to promote optimism, joy, and self-confidence. Some people also associate citrine with the solar plexus chakra, which is linked to personal power, self-esteem, and willpower.

According to some gemstone experts, citrine is thought to have an uplifting effect on the mind and emotions and can help to reduce feelings of negativity and self-doubt. It is thought to promote feelings of positivity, creativity, and motivation.

Check out our hand-picked selection of citrine jewelry all made in 18k gold by the finest Italian artisans:




Peridot is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. According to some crystal healers, peridot is thought to have a soothing effect on the mind and can help to reduce tension. It is believed to promote feelings of compassion, empathy, and forgiveness.

It can help people feel more open and receptive to new experiences and perspectives, and more able to release negative emotions and beliefs.

Check out our hand-picked selection of peridot jewelry all made in 18k gold by the finest Italian artisans:




Onyx is considered a stone of protection, and is believed to promote inner strength, confidence, and emotional stability.

Onyx is thought to have a grounding effect on the mind and emotions and can help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and fear. It is believed to promote feelings of calm, balance, and self-control. Onyx increases your ability to face challenges and setbacks with resilience and determination.

Check out our hand-picked selection of onyx jewelry all made in 18k gold by the finest Italian artisans:




Topaz is regarded as a stone of joy, abundance, and good fortune and is thought to encourage positivity, self-confidence, and creativity. Topaz is also linked to the solar plexus chakra, which is linked to personal strength, self-esteem, and willpower. People wearing topaz have reported feeling more optimistic, inspired, and motivated, and more able to tap into their creativity and inner wisdom.

Check out our hand-picked selection of topaz jewelry all made in 18k gold by the finest Italian artisans:




Tourmaline is a mineral that is believed to have certain properties that can affect your mood. It is said to have a calming effect and can help reduce stress and anxiety. This is due to the fact that tourmaline is thought to generate negative ions, which can help balance the body's energy and improve overall well-being.

Negative ions increase the levels of serotonin in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for regulating mood, appetite, and sleep. When the levels of serotonin are low, it can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Tourmaline is also believed to help balance the body's electromagnetic field, which can become disrupted by the electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic devices. This disruption can cause fatigue, stress, and other negative effects on mood and well-being.

Check out our hand-picked selection of topaz jewelry all made in 18k gold by the finest Italian artisans:



All in all, can gemstones affect your mood? We believe that they can definitely help bring our features and vibrations that are already within you. Wearing gemstone jewelry will serve as a constant reminder of who you are and who you want to become. Likewise, giving someone a specific gemstone is a precious gift to help a loved one in their journey of personal growth. Have more questions about gemstone jewelry or need a personal consultation? Get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to address any doubts.